Welcome to the Newcomers Group of South Dallas
South Dallas’ Cocaine Anonymous meeting in Oak Cliff, where we invite, welcome and serve newcomers by sharing the 12 Steps.

Join us in person 7:30 p.m. Fridays and 6:30 p.m. Sundays for our Oak Cliff CA meeting.
1300 S Polk St., Suite #160A, Dallas, TX 75224
Email: [email protected].
Phone: 469-834-8989
Welcome to Cocaine Anonymous in South Dallas
Welcome to the Oak Cliff Chapter of Cocaine Anonymous. We are all here for the same reason—our inability to stop using cocaine and all other mind-altering substances. The first step towards solving any problem is admitting that there is a problem.
The problem, as we see it, consists of an obsession of the mind and an allergy of the body. The obsession is a continued and irresistible thought of drugs and the next high. The allergy creates an absolute inability to stop using once we take the first hit or drink.
Many of us are still perplexed to realize how long we went on before seeking help, yet still insisting, and believing we could mange our use of drugs, so distorted was our reality. We went to any lengths to get away from being ourselves.
Nothing mattered more to us than the straw, the pipe, the needle, or the next drink. Even if it made us feel miserable, we had to have it.
Some of us mixed cocaine with alcohol or other drugs, and found temporary relief in the change, but in the end this only compounded our problems. We tried quitting by ourselves, finally, and sometimes managed to do so for periods of time.
After a month or two we imagined we were in control. This time, we’d be careful not to go overboard. It would be different this time. But we only found ourselves back where we were before, and worse.
We lost jobs, homes, family and friends, believing that circumstances, places, and people were screwing up our lives. Perhaps we saw a friend die, or we were confronted with legal trouble from our addiction, and still we went on using! But eventually we had to face facts. We had to admit that cocaine and all other drugs were a serious problem in our lives, that we were addicts.
What brought us to Cocaine Anonymous Oak Cliff?
Some of us hit a physical bottom, we knew our drug use was killing us and it was progressing quickly. We had to quit or we might die.
Others of us hit an emotional or spiritual bottom. No matter how much we used, we never filled the emotional hole we experienced in life, only a temporary release from the fears and resentments we sought to escape. We suffered violent mood swings.
We were overcome by feelings of alienation from friends, loved ones, parents, children, and society, from everything wholesome. Perhaps we awoke in dread of the isolation we had created for ourselves; using alone, suffocated by our self-centered fear and selfishness.
We were spiritually and emotionally deadened. Perhaps we thought of suicide, or tried it. Still others of us reached a different sort of bottom when our spending and lying cost us our jobs, families, and possessions. Sometimes the law intervened.
Most of us were brought down by a medley of financial physical, social, and spiritual problems. When we found Cocaine Anonymous, we learned that addiction is a progressive disease, chronic and potentially fatal. It fit our own experience when we heard that, contrary to popular myths about cocaine and other mind altering substances, many of which are so addictive a casual user becomes an addict very quickly.
We were relieved to be told that addiction is not simply a moral problem, that it is a true disease over which the will alone is usually powerless. All the same, each of us must take responsibility for our own recovery. There is no secret, no magic. We each have to quit and stay sober; but we don’t have to do it alone!
We wish to assure you that there is a solution and that recovery is possible. It begins with abstinence and continues with practicing the Twelve Steps of recovery, one day at a time. Our program, the Twelve Steps of Cocaine Anonymous, is the means by which we move from the problem of addiction to the solution of recovery.
We look forward to having you part of our family!
Meeting Schedule for Cocaine Anonymous in South Dallas
6:30 p.m.
1300 S Polk St., Suite #160A, Dallas, TX 75224
7:30 p.m.
1300 S Polk St., Suite #160A Dallas, TX 75224
Cocaine Anonymous in Oak Cliff
1300 S Polk St., Suite #160A, Dallas, TX 75224
“Frequent contact with newcomers and with each other is the bright spot of our lives.”
My problem isn’t cocaine…so why should I attend a Cocaine Anonymous (CA) meeting? Because everyone is welcomed, whether your issue is alcohol or any other mind-altering drug.
Why an Open Meeting? Because everyone is welcomed. Maybe you don’t know whether you have a problem. Or maybe you want to learn more about what a friend/family member is facing.
Cocaine Anonymous is open to anyone seeking help/info about drug/alcohol addiction. Please come if you have a problem or if you have questions about addiction. Everyone is welcomed. Questions? Email us at [email protected].
Join the Newcomers’ Facebook Group
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**Special thanks to St. Jude Church of Oak Cliff for allowing us to use their office for this meeting.**